Thursday, January 17, 2008

Tagged # 2

Another tag, and it's by Skeeter again. I gotta post a picture that I think is my best shot till date or something very close to my heart. I choose the former and it is this shot of the London Eye, which I took in April 2006.


Reeta Skeeter said...

Nice to see you posting after soooooo long...
And it is indeed a wonderfulllll shot!
Clapping for Anky Panky!
Oh yeah: Me First!
Keep Posting!

freesherry said...
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umangexuberance said...

how did you ever manage this one???

you sure have an Eye for beauty :D
and oodles of talented which is definitely not limited to writing skills
that reminds me.. hope to see more of that soon
take care
#umang# :)

AG said...

awesome pic
the sky looks simply amazing as thr background
this tag really rocks

Ankur Arora said...

@skeeter: thanks! and thanks, for the tag too! :)
@umang: thanks a ton for oodles of compliments! ;)
@aditi: thanks. yeah, the skyline is beautiful; adds a lot to the whole composition.